
Teach a child 

My granddaughter Grace, drew this picture. She presented this heart-felt drawing to me at my Freckle-Face Susie book launch.  It brought to mind the scripture 2 Timothy 3:16-17.  All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.  The entire bible is inspired by God. It is important we teach our children that the bible is trustworthy.  We need to equip them to do good and  live for Jesus.  

God's Handiwork

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.  

Psalm 19:1

This evening, my husband and I went to the corral to check on our new baby calf.  As we were riding back home, I looked up and saw another masterpiece from God. I feel very blessed to get to see God's handiwork just by stepping outside and seeing God's marvelous displays in the sky. The heavens give breathtaking evidence of his existence.  It shows His love, care, protection, and power.  He is our true creator.

Keeping My eyes 

on jesus

"LORD, help me see things with spiritual eyes and not with eyes of this world."

I am a perfectionist who likes to have order in everything.  It just feels right to me.  It saves me time and helps me complete things more quickly.

A few weeks ago, I found myself so wrapped up in getting everything in order that at the end of my day, I was exhausted. I was spending too much time getting my worldly life in order and spending less time preparing for my eternity.  I was questioning why I was not hearing God. I realized it was because I was not listening for Him.  I was too busy organizing.

"Thank you God for quickening my spirit and helping me see the importance of keeping my eyes on You."

Stay in the Word

God is alive. He is in control even though we can't see all He is doing.  We can trust Him and be assured He is still on His throne.  He sees and knows  all the good and evil in this world.  We can have hope in God's Sovereignty.  Knowing this helps us to have confidence and peace in the confusing times we are living in.  The Sovereign LORD is our Strength.  Get to know God on a deeper level by reading His Word.